FitAngels specialises in Body Transformations for women of ALL AGES and ALL BODY TYPES!
Whether its :
Getting the best body of your life
Getting in shape for summer
Getting ready for a photo-shoot
Competing in a fitness/bikini competition
Shaping up after having baby
Our Training and Nutrition Methods
We advocate Flexible Dieting and also Well Balanced Wholefoods for our Nutrition Protocols. There is absolutely no form of Restricted Dieting although we do cater for Vegetarians, Vegans and Gluten Intolerant.
We aim to keep you healthy, hormonally balanced and full of energy throughout your program.
Overtraining is a big NO NO ! Around 45 mins a day 4-5x a week of weights and 2 cardio sessions if at all. This prescription of training will have your body responding wonderfully as it will not release stress hormones which are the number one reason why most women who train for hours on end never see the results they want!
We’ll have you building beautiful Sculpted Muscles and have you toned and strong year round. The true model of fitness!
All programs are developed by Janere Reid, Founder of FitAngels Inc.